Portfolio Reviewing Experience

The Brief

At the end of our Master in Graphic Design and Printing we had to design and print our portfolio. We had total freedom, the portfolio had to be delivered along postcards (made as exercises during the master), business card and resume, the rest was up to us.

The Solution

A portfolio reviewing experience made to surprise the reviewer and make the process more exciting for them and hopefully more positive for me. Inside the box you'll find multiple layers of content that build up to the ultimate element, the portfolio. First you find my resume and after that, instructions for the review and the unboxing proccess, part of the goal is to make the reviewer both relaxed and interested.

Some of the things you'll find inside the portfolio are:

  • Instructions for both the packaging and the review.
  • Chewing gum and Stress ball to relax.
  • Postcards to see another part of my creativity.
  • Booklet to take notes.
  • Business Cards.
